Kalonji/ Black Seed - The Best Kept Secret of Ayurveda

7:30:00 PM

Hello Chicsters!
For over 3000years Kalonji has been a part of Beauty, Medical & Culinary industry. In Ayurveda, Kalonji has been used in a wide range of applications. In my today’s article, I have some shared just A few of the many health benefits this wholesome ingredient can provide. So keep reading on to know more...
Kalonji/ Black Seed - The Best Kept Secret of Ayurveda 

What is Kalonji?

Kalonji is also known as Black Seed or Nigella Sativa. The Black cumin or Nigella Sativa plant is a native to Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa. This Black Seed has been known to show a wide range of health benefits when ingested over a significant amount of time. Products containing Kalonji have also been useful in providing beauty benefits when applied topically.

What are the benefits of using Black Seed or Kalonji?

Diabetes: Kalonji or Black Seed is considered as a blessing for people with Diabetes. Using Kalonji tablets or oil for 2months has been known to show a significant difference in blood sugar level. Kalonji usually increases glucose tolerance helping you stabilise blood sugar levels. Black Seed has been also been known to prevent the onset of Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes without any side effects.

Weight loss & Pain Killer: Black Seed not only has been known to regulate glucose levels but it also helps fight obesity. Kalonji has been scientifically proven to reduce body mass and body weight. Black Seed products also are a natural pain killer with no side effects. It is best used to get rid of headaches and joint pain.

Memory & Asthama: Kalonji has anti-inflammatory properties which can calm asthma symptoms. It helps boost the immune system to fight allergies and asthma. Black Seed keeps your asthma in check by decreasing your allergy symptoms. Black Seed also helps alleviate your intellectual levels. It helps boost your memorising capacity and can be used at any age. 

Reduces Cholesterol & Blood Pressure: Black Seed is rich in healthy fatty acids, these fatty acids help maintain healthy cholesterol. Even if you have high cholesterol ingesting Black seed tablets or oil will help maintain your cholesterol levels over a period of time. Kalonji products are also considered life-changing for people with high blood pressure. Taking Black Seed based tablets or oil for only 2 months has shown significant results in people with high blood pressure.

Beauty benefits: According to research, including beauty products containing Kalonji can help reduce acne. It has also been noted to increase skin moisture and hydration. Kalonji also helps soften hair and gives it a natural lustre. Black seed also helps reduce the occurrence of psoriasis plaques. Kalonji based products applied to a wound have also been known to reduce inflammation, kill bacteria and aid healing. 
Kalonji/ Black Seed - The Best Kept Secret of Ayurveda
Kalonji Tablets from Nature Sure
Ayurveda recommends a daily consumption of Kalonji can help enhance joint lubrication, reduce blood pressure, curb breathing problems and even to an extent prevent Cancer & this is all thanks to its anti-carcinogenic properties.

The Nature Sure Kalonji tablets are 100% Pure and prepared from high-grade Nigella Sativa seeds. Each tablet contains 300mg of Nigella Sativa extract. The Nature Sure Black Seed tablets are widely used for pain relief, boosting metabolism, aiding digestion, hair growth, nourishing scalp, breathing-related issues, boosting immunity, reducing acne, curbing period pain among many others. This top-quality natural & vegetarian product from Nature Sure™ is approved by FSSAI and made with pure highest-grade ingredients at GMP & ISO-certified units approved by Directorate of AYUSH. Now available online at www.naturessure.com 

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  1. i am so flabbergasted to know the multiple use and benefits of Kalonji. I will try to consume Kalonji in my daily life. will definitely order this tablet for my mother because she has diabetes.

    Richa Sharma

  2. Indian spices are full of nutrients. It won't be wrong to say that we have dhanvantari in our pantry. Kalonji is often underrated and is used only in few recipes. But it should take place in our regular meal routine.

  3. I think Kalonji is the most neglected of all the spices we have in India. Recently I went looking for them as i wanted to make Laungi and shopkeepers in Chennai had not even heard of it!
    And here is your post, detailing so many benefits of this tiny seed. I am going to start looking for Kalonji based products after reading teh benefits you listed.

  4. Wow these are awesome benefits that I never knew about. I don't think we have those seeds at home either. I have to Google them and recheck at home.

  5. Indian spice are beneficial no wonder. I am asthmatic and use kalonji for relief. I wasn't aware of its other benefits. This post is quite an eye opener.

  6. I knew that Indian pies are a box of surprises when it comes to medicine and health benefits but this is new for me. I didn't know Kalonji has so many health benefits. Thank you for sharing this.

  7. I am amazed to know the health benefits that kalinji has to offer. Will suggest my father -in - law to take it as his blood pressure remains high in spite of taking medicines. This might help him out.

  8. This is an informative post and I learnt a lot about great benefits of Kalonji. my father is diabetic, I will surly suggest him the use of this during daily diet. will check nature sure brand too, I had used and reviewed their products in past and got good results.

  9. You have listed all benefits of Black seeds in all areas. I generally used kalonji in making of pickle, but now shall try to use it often in right amount in food to have all healthy benefits.

  10. I use Kalonji in my pickles and naans but didn't know that they came with so many benefits too. Definitely a great addition to our daily food.

  11. Each Indian spice has some medicinal values. We use kalonji in many recipes at home, however never knew about so many benefits about it.
    -Ujjwa Mishra

  12. Many Bengali dishes require kalonji.Indian spices all have health benefits.Thanks for sharing this list of amazing benefits of Kalonji

  13. I used to eat kalonji seeds regularly before lockdown. Never knew there are tablets available too. Indeed the benefits of kalonji are multiple. They are great for health and even skin/haircare.

  14. Actually kalonji has a lot of health benefits like you correctly stated. I start my day with kalonji with a teaspoon of honey on empty stomach.

  15. Seriously I didnt know that there are so many benefits of kalonji. It is not a very common spice also like rai.. But thanks to you got so much useful insight about it.

  16. I am hearing about kalonji for the first time, never used it in cooking. You have mentioned so many benefits of this spice, it should be included in our daily cooking.

  17. We bengalis use kalonji (kaalo zeera) a lot in out cooking. It is also a part of the famous paanch phoron. Very few knew that it is onion seed. I am glad you shared in detail about it

  18. I use Kalonji while making my sabji most of the time but it have such great effects I was not aware off!! Thanks for sharing this

  19. wow i didn't know all these benefits of kalonji. I knew it was good for hair growth! This is such a helpful post. We use it a lot in cooking though!

  20. Kalonji or black seeds are good for overall health. We use kalonji oil for pain relief and I recently started using shampoo enriched with it. These tablets would be useful, thanks for recommending

  21. i didnt know kalonji has so many benefits buddy, really found this post so so informative.will start using it

  22. I use kalonji in cooking but never knew that it works well with acne issues too. There are so many benefits of these spices ..

  23. You've taught me a lot about Ayurveda, as I was reading your post. I'm more and more looking into pure, natural skincare and haircare. For the longest time I've been using natural butters like shea butter, cocoa, coconut, mango... And then my sister told me about chia seeds, and I had never heard of Kalonji seeds before I came across your blog!

    I'll look more into it to see whether we have them in Europe, and where. That should help me out greatly with my routine, as I'm trying to go on no-waste now!

  24. Thank you so much for sharing such amazing review. it gonna helps a lot . keep sharing amazing content like that.


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